Friday, February 10, 2012

God is Peaceful

Rocking a sleeping baby, having a dear and trusted friend at our side at the precise moment needed, camping out on a still, clear night while looking at the stars, listening to a calm, melodious song - we drink in these peaceful times in our lives- as a dry sponge drinks in water flowing over it.

There are also circumstances in our lives that seem - outwardly - the very opposite of peaceful (pre-surgery, waiting for news of a loved one in an emergency, sitting at the side of a very ill family member while medical staff seek to find a cause).  Sometimes, during these times of outward-seeming chaos, we can also have a sense of peace.  We can feel the smooth waters settling into calm waves of hope and stillness. 

That, my friend, is a gift given to us by God.  In Ephesians 2:14, the Bible says "For He himself is our peace." 

When, in the very midst of a crisis or outwardly chaotic circumstance we feel a sense of peace descend on us - as if the peace was a blanket of sheer silk dropped from heaven, blanketing us with a sense of calm - we as believers recognize that our soul is at rest - and that peace filled rest comes from God.  At that very time, when outward circumstances scream chaos and yet our souls are still and calm, we may even think, "I know someone is praying for me right now."

Oh, how precious are those serene times!  How soothed we are to have peace amidst the storm.  What an great time to pray, "Thank you, Lord, for I know that You are keeping me still right now."

God is peaceful.  God is peace-filled.  God is peace-able.  God is at peace.  God is Peace.  Hallelujah!  Focus on Jesus!  For He himself is truly our peace.

Vivie sleeping next to her new puppy, "Sunny," summer of 2010
 Verses to consider:
Psalm 27:5  He will hide me and set me high upon a rock.
John 14:27  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
Philippians 4:6-7  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

He Hideth My Soul          by Fanny Crosby
He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock
that shadows a dry thirsty land
He hideth my life in the depth of His love
and covers me there with His hand
and covers me there with His hand.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

God is Impartial - Part Two

And now, back to parenting -

Even though the love is the same among all my family's children, is the relationship the same?  Frankly - No.
Obviously, my relationship with a 40-year old is different than my relationship with my 5-year old twins, and there is a difference between relating to my son or my daughter. Then there is the aspect of relationship change:  If one family member is not relating to (talking, contacting) another family member; then logically that relationship changes.  The love isn't lessened, but the relationship is changed.  Close family relationships involve (ready...) "relating."  Back/forth, give/take, listening/speaking, helper/helped, forgiving/forgiven, and on it goes.  A relationship is two-way and if one person in the relationship is "not talking" to the other, the relationship is affected.

In a lifetime of our getting to know and understand our children, we will surely have times of challenge. While this is "normal," these times can be taxing.  Our hope as parents is that the years of a close relationship with each child will weave strong and enduring threads within our family tapestry.  Our hope as parents is that the foundation was set well, and that our children will remember the principles we set for them and desire a close relationship with us.

Back to God:  So, while God is impartial in His love, is there a difference in the "depth of relationship" we have with God as believers?  Sure!  There can be quite a difference.  Those who seek to know and follow God have a closer and deeper relationship with Him than those who either don't have or don't want a close relationship with God.  Just as the relationship between a parent and child (whatever age the "child") is deeper and closer with more time spent together talking and sharing experiences, the relationship is also deeper and closer between God and His child with more time spent together talking (praying) and sharing (studying the Bible).

As we (believers in Jesus Christ as the one and only Savior) become mature in our faith by studying the Bible, praying, fellowship with other believers - (exercising our faith and trust in God) - our relationship with God becomes closer and closer.  Are we more loved? No. Remember - God shows no partiality.  We have a closer, deeper, more wonderfully exquisite relationship as we grow closer to God, but we aren't more special or more loved.  We may see the love God has for us far more, because we notice His answers to our prayers, His direction in our lives, His beautiful creation, His encouragement to us, etc.  But we are not more loved than other "family members."

Two of my favorite Bible verses showing a deep personal relationship with God are -
1. Genesis 3:8 when before the Fall, Adam "walked with God in the cool of the night."
2. James 4:8 "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."

Again, back to parenting - as a mother, I love each of my five children without partiality, but there is quite a difference in my relationship with each child of mine.  And so it is with God: He loves all without partiality but there is quite a difference in His relationship with each of His children.
Bible verse to consider:
John 13:1 "Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end."

O Wondrous Love
O wondrous love that will not let me go
I cling to You with all my strength and soul
Yet if my hold should ever fail
This wondrous love will never let me go

O wondrous love that’s come to dwell in me
Lord who am I that I should come to know
Your tender voice assuring me
This wondrous love will never let me go

I’m resting in the everlasting arms
In the ever faithful heart
The Shepherd of my life
You’ll carry me on Your mighty wings of grace
Keeping me until the day
I look into Your eyes

O wondrous love that sings of Calvary
The sweetest sound this sinner’s ever known
The song of Your redeeming Son
Whose wondrous love will never let me go

O wondrous love that rushes over me
I can’t escape this river’s glorious flow
You overwhelm my days with good
Your wondrous love will never let me go

2001 Sovereign Grace Ministry
Words and music by Steve and Vikki Cook